Friday, March 18, 2011

Door won't open

My '91 camry passenger door won't open. I have cut the panel to gain access to inside door. All the rods are connected, except the power door lock won't go up unless key is used outside.

Is it possibly stuck partially with the power lock solenoid therefore negating the other two rods (inside and outside door handle) from opening the door?

Reply 1 : Door won't open

there was a recall for this issue

Reply 2 : Door won't open

The recall was for the '90 model, not the '91, right? I guess it could still be the same problem if some of the '91s didn't have the extra power door lock relay.

Reply 3 : Door won't open

it has been found that the recall was for the 90 model, but other years, including some 92 models have had fused relays so that the locks would either stay unlocked, or locked.

take it to the dealer and see if they will honor it, because it most likely is the relay or solenoid stuck open.

Reply 4 : Door won't open

Well I called 2 different Toyota dealers and gave them my VIN # and they said that I am not covered for this situation. You guys were correct, recall was for '90 Camry, so I am SOL. Dealer said that Toyota would have fixed this problem for '91. I argued couldn't I have '90 parts in my car?

Any suggestions?

Reply 5 : Door won't open

other than trying to take the dealer up on the possibility of a 90 manufactured part, you are probably going to have to disconnect you locking rod, and then see if its the solenoid (hopefully) the relay is behind the glove box, and its most certainly going to be a pain to get out.

Reply 6 : Door won't open

Reply 7 : Door won't open

dem2757, Thanks for the info. and the PDF with the schematic of how to fix. The locking rod is the vertical rod inside door that is a little thicker than a pencil? I was going to try to put vice grips on it and see if I can pull it up.

I am about ready to get sawzall out and cut out the metal on inside of door along with panel to get to this solenoid.

Reply 8 : Door won't open

Well I got my utility knife and cut the inside door panel. Then used grinder to cut off the sheet metal on inside of door so I could get to the two screws holding the lock solenoid. Hoping that when I disconnected the lock solenoid rod it would just be manual locks on that door. NOT!!!

I still can't open the +^&*ing door!!!

So I guess I will have to buy the additional relay that Toyota said was fix for problem years of 87-90. Mine is a 91 and 2 dealers said mine wasn't covered. I hope the part isn't too much because technically my car is not supposed to be affected and I don't know if this will fix it.

Wonder if Radio Shack would have something similar, probably not.

Well I can take the lock solenoid got at junk yard back.

I am so mad and frustrated!!

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