Friday, March 25, 2011

rubber hose running from radiator to overflow

Just got a new radiator installed and I'm not sure I like the location of the overflow hose. It goes right up over the side of the radiator and then into the overflow. The way it is routed I cant tell if the hose is getting pinched when the hood is closed. I cant remember how the previous radiators overflow hose was routed, this one just seems high, seems it would be a better design if the overflow nipple would be coming out at a different angle so the hose wouldnt have to rise up over the radiators edge. Maybe there is a fitting out there that would route the house better??

Reply 1 : rubber hose running from radiator to overflow

My 93 22RE radiator has an overflow that points right toward the driver's side, the hose travels across the top tank of the radiator and right into the overflow tank cap. I have never seen any sign of the hose being pinched when the hood is closed.

If you are worried about it, there is an easy way to find out. Buy some modeling clay and roll it into a bead, lay it along the top of the hose, shut the hood, and see how much the clay is smushed when you open it.



Reply 2 : rubber hose running from radiator to overflow

if I'm understanding this correctly.. What I would like you to look at is..

Is the hose higher than the rad cap? No? Not a problem then..

Reply 3 : rubber hose running from radiator to overflow

The hose is higher than the radiator cap by about 3/4 of an inch. The edge of the radiator is is even with the radiator cap, the hose runs over top this edge.

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